Submitting Your Own Designs
For Embroidery


In the first instance, get in touch via the Contact Form
and I will email you back.
Sorry, but the contact form does not allow attachments.


Tips for submission:

1. KEEP IT SIMPLE.   There is a temptation, particularly amongst military veterans to try to include every teeny little detail into a logo.
(I can say that, as I am a veteran myself)

Please don't.

Embroidery is ultra-low res and small details can end up as dots or blobs or may even have to excluded from the pattern altogether.
"Bold is Beautiful."
2. Images should be as clear and as high-resolution as possible.   I can only work with what I can see clearly, in detail. Tiny or fuzzy images are pretty much useless and I will have to reject them.
3. A good quality high-res jpg is fine.   If you want to send a vector file as well, feel free, but I generally work from jpgs.
4. If necessary, include clear explanatory notes in your email, e.g. regarding colour scheme or other details.   This might be particularly important if you are sending a black-and-white or a hand-drawn image.
5. Be careful if you are photographing a logo.   Assuming that you have permission to use the logo* it is vital that you photograph it:

a. Square On - i.e. from directly in front of the image and not at an angle from either left or right, or above or below.

b. In good light, preferably natural light.

c. There are no reflections or flares (e.g. of you, or from a flash, a light or a window) that might obscure or change how the image looks. This can be very difficult if your image is behind glass.

If it is possible to scan rather than photograph your logo,  you might get a better result.

6. Watch out for watermarks.   If you are sending a watermarked image, make sure that the watermark does not obscure or interfere with any part of the image.
For digitising purposes it may be possible for me to see through a watermark, but if in doubt, please ask.
Please remember that watermarked images from the internet are usually copyright.

See the IMPORTANT paragraph below.


Any questions - ASK!

In certain circumstances I may be able to accept designs on paper, by post,
but by arrangement only and at your own risk.
Please drop me a line via the Contact Form first.


*Please note that any submission or order MUST conform to all parts of my
Terms and Conditions with particular reference to paragraphs 3 to 6.

I reserve the right to refuse to work with any image or wording that I consider inappropriate.



It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure that they have permission to use any designs or logos, official or otherwise,
and that such use does not infringe any copyright or other restrictions.
ABS Embroidery accepts no responsibility for the use of any external design or logo.
In placing an order, the buyer agrees to indemnify ABS Embroidery and anyone connected with ABS Embroidery
from any claims which may arise from their use of such designs or logos.



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 All items offered on this website are subject to availability.
ABS Embroidery reserves the right to change specifications and prices without notice.



Website & Content © B K Bilverstone 2023-2025
All Rights Reserved